Success is not always about Greatness. It is about Consistency. Consistent Hard Work leads to success. Greatness will come.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Do you work all the time in a day and put yourself on hold wondering there will be plenty of time later? Do you think that work is never-ending and that if you are not working all the time, you are slacking off?

You have heard the saying “Time is Money” but I say time is not money

Time is an important ideal in everyone’s life and preserving it becomes much more important. Time is a non-renewable resource; it is infinitely more valuable than money because we can always make another buck, but we cannot make more time. When one works hard in the available time, he may eventually attain the happiness of wealth.

True wealth is far more than just financial success. Real wealth comes in the form of how much time you have available. It is the ability to do whatever you want, whenever you want and however you want. Money is only a means to the end, but time is what defines our wealth. The more discretionary time we have in our hands to spend time doing things that we want to do, the more true wealth we possess. Ultimately, time (not money) is the real equalizer. If we all think of time as true wealth, we all are born equally rich. We all would have the same 24 hours a day and how we spend that time shall differentiate between us.
We all have equal opportunities in life and are faced with them every day. What matters is how we make use of all the 86,400 seconds in a day in attaining our goals. The catalyst we require is immensely hard work to convert time into wealth. Hard work not only in the form of grunt work but engaging in something with a pure passion helping you to transform into better individuals. MAHTAMAN philosophy advocates working hard with passion and a mission. You have to put in your efforts that make things happen- HARD WORK. The only miracle that is going to help you in the long term.

Are You Rich or Wealthy?

Garth Brooks says that you are not wealthy until you have something money cannot buy. There is a big difference between being rich and being wealthy. Being rich is more money while being wealthy is having more time. The secret to wealth is to conquer procrastination and build a time perspective. People with a long-term perspective always have a better chance of improving their wealth.
Creating wealth and working hard also creates time and makes you live longer. Taking it easy is not a key to a long life, according to new research; it is the hard-working and prudent people who live the longest. Hard workers who advanced in their life and took more and more responsibilities are more likely to live longer. According to the research conducted by Friedman, hard-working personality traits in an individual extends life by an average of two to three years.

Have You Heard of the BLUE ZONES?

A few places in the world are called “blue zones.” In such areas people live much longer and happier than any other parts of the world. Dan Buettener was the one to develop the concept wherein he studied parts of the world where people exceptionally lived longer lives. One of the reasons for them to live longer was having a life purpose. They have an IKIGAI towards which they work hard and are determined to achieve their full potential. This results in reduced death risk and a better psychological well- being.

This journey from happiness to greatness will want you to work with passion and an aim that drives you to find your own self!

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