We all need to let our hair down and unwind before the din of life gets to us. At Mahatman you not only unhinge from the stressful life you walk away at the end of it with a life transforming perspective. Please keep watching this space for our upcoming retreats

It’s not a recreation! We will make you go through rigorous body and brain activity:

  1. It will include stretch, breath, and mindfulness practices. We will have silence practice, and also discussion on general issues of life. 
  2. You will get enough time to introspect yourself away from the everyday commotion of life at a peaceful destination. 
  3. Mahatman nutrition is an integral part of every retreat.
  4. Spending time with nature with great physical activities like trekking and bootcamp will make you run out of breath followed by the healing Ayurvedic Massage and body treatment.
  5.  To reiterate your energy we are coming up with a series of group retreats every year at most wonderful destinations in the world. Join first-ever Mahatman retreat at Lavasa, India in January 2021.