Mahatman Quality of Life

Welcome to your Mahatman Quality of Life

1. You go to work almost every morning feeling tired, your body heavy and your brain
craving to sleep more...

2. You feel hungry and all that there is in your kitchen is soda, ice cream and a bag of

3. A couple of blocks from your place a new Zumba studio has opened up. Your
partner/neighbour suggests you check it out and you

4. On a busy weekend at the mall, you get a parking spot that requires a 10-minute walk. You:

5. A friend gets two tickets for a wellness retreat and asks you if you would like to
come. You

6. After weeks of job hunting, you get an offer that entails good compensation but little professional growth. You:

7. You grew up dreaming to do something but find yourself working in an entirely
unrelated field

8. The arrival of every Monday brings with it lethargy, dread, and bitterness about
getting back to work

9. If money were not a problem, you would be in the same job as you are now

10. You feel picked on by people around you all the time

11. You resent your high school friend’s success because you are sure he/she has just
been lucky with opportunities and you haven’t

12. You spend a bomb preparing for a big date – shopping for clothes, fancy dinner
reservations etc - and then wonder why things didn’t work out

13. You feel the world is full of unfair bosses passing you over repeatedly for promotions

14. You believe that the only way to afford a dream lifestyle is to keep looking for
higher-paid jobs

15. You feel invisible at family gatherings and parties at friends’ places.

16. The last suggestion you made at an office meeting was not even discussed before being shot down.

17. You have a great idea for your own enterprise but are afraid to share it with others.

18. You believe that all the successful people are selfish and will never guide you on your goals.

19. Your romantic relationship is marked by monotony, boredom, and ennui.

20. All the communication with your spouse revolves around finances, chores and

21. You fantasize about living the life of a celebrity from entertainment, business, or sports.

22. When you talk, you find people looking away or checking phones.

23. You have amazing plans for important ways to impact society but find it difficult to get started.

24. At parties, you always end up feeling miserable upon comparing yourself to others.

25. You believe no matter how much you earn, giving others is just empowering slackers.

26. You resent it when asked to volunteer for causes.

27. You think there is no point in being well-groomed at home since you have
been with your partner for 10 years now.

28. Your children don’t discuss their dreams and lives with you anymore.

29. You get annoyed when people don’t maintain your standards at home or office.

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