Few people can come up with an amazing number of unique questions, a corollary to that also holds true; many people are piqued with the same set of questions about life, relationships and personal growth. Taking this into cognizance, we have created a comprehensive question bank, which deep dives into the some of the most asked about Topics and Issues. We advise you to go through these before you address a query to SAM. There is a mighty chance that you might find a part of your answer here.

The reason is because people are happy with happiness. People easily get wedged into a state of happy homeostasis and it takes a lot of will power and intent to get oneself out of that comfort zone. The change has to start with us. We must deal with Complacency by being stubborn, adamantly non-complacent come what way. The buck has to stop right at us. We must be sticklers with ourselves. Hard task-masters. We must always be in a state of EMONSITY. Please note that word. EMONSITY must become our status quo. We must be crazy, insane and almost belligerent about getting things done firstly BY US and then FOR US. This is the only WAY.

We should neither run away nor should we jump ahead to clobber someone. Neither Fight nor Flight. We must FACE it. Passive –aggressive behaviour has been at the root of many problems. We have to nip it in the bud. We do not have to be MR Nice but do not we have to Miss Nasty either. We must be assertive in the face of every difficult situation. And for that we need immense self-compassion and equanimity like the Buddha himself. We must all become Buddhas, but we must not stop there, we must also look fierce like the Kalari warriors. As a Mahatman we have to walk the tightrope between Equanimity and Extreme Intensity.

Only competition will turn you into a brute. Only Collaboration will turn you into a Martyr. But we are neither, we are the Mahatmans. We need to collaborate with a competitive spirit and we need to compete with a collaborative approach. We need magnanimity while competing and we need immense self-love while collaborating. It is only when we learn the ropes of balancing both, are we bound to succeed. Life is neither black nor white; we need to be in the Grey area where Collaboration overlaps with Competition. There should be competition, but that should be with our own self and in this one, we must compete to win.

Being Workaholic- it’s a way of killing time. It is an addiction and it is not in our dictionary. It is the Hustle which is necessary are we to succeed. But we cannot stop at being just hustlers. We have to ACTUALIZE. Which means we have to find purpose and passion in our work. We should find our IKIGAI. That is how we will exude charm and charisma and confidence and bliss, and will infect everyone who is around us. While I do not deny the role of pleasure and entertainment, it has to be extremely curated and mindful. We have to always be alert and focussed on the fact that whatever we do, is for the health of the Body and the Brain.

That is precisely the reason why my words should be taken seriously. Because I have been on both sides of the camp. And I have evolved into what I am now. This whole process of becoming is Mahatman. Crossing the bridge from peace to power, from happiness to greatness, from Realization to Actualization is Mahatman. Awareness is a foundation. It is but a step on the way. Please refer to my book “Elements of the soul” for further details.

We are lonely not because of the technology, but because we choose to be lonely. Technology is neutral just like Money. If it falls into the right hands it will be put to good use. If it falls into the wrong hands the results will be not so good. We have to get our intent right. Technology will not make you lonely. Technology will be the door you can choose to open or close when your mind controls it and not the other way round. Technology is smart but we have to be smarter than technology.

That is because we are hankering after happiness. Ironically happiness will never make you happy. It is the lifelong process and hustle and actualization which will make you great. Don’t even look for happiness. Happiness is just a tree on this long journey. Do not sit under it for too long. Before you realize you will languish into unhappiness. Science supports the fact that we are not designed for happiness. Evolution is guaranteed-Happiness is only the elementary level.

My question to you is: What will you do in the remaining 164 hours. It is your answer that will shape your destiny. What we do with our so called leisure time is really what defines us. There is no wall between work and leisure. Break those barriers. Build a bridge of integration between work and life and flow both ways without ever stopping. Smartness is overrated and it’s abundantly available. It is the hard work which will put ahead in the line and make you shine.

There is a difference between intensity and insanity. We have to channelize our intensity with momentum that is both physical and mental. Also we have to balance it with immense self-love. People who love themselves with all the intensity they can build, are sure to be hardwired for success. Nothing can stop them. So there has to be passion with purpose and there has to be immense self-love and love from humanity.

Technology does not take away pain. It just opens up new opportunities for us to embrace pain. Technology won’t take away your extra adipose, we have to sweat and toil for it. We have to found never opportunities to raise the bar, all the time and you will see the journey across these opportunities will never be roses, there will be some barbed wires. We are a highly evolved civilization because of pain and stress- this is the story of our evolution). Mahatman is not about the suppression of pain and the avoidance of pain– it is about transcending pain and befriending pain. When you have awareness and the right intention then all pain is happy pain.

Tete-a-tete with Sam

Rendezvous with Sam

A person who does not know where his next meal is coming from, is even more enlightened than the rest of us. There is no cushioning for that person and reality is laid our bare. The person has to channelize himself or herself to take extreme ownership and massive action. There have been people who have done that and their stories are legends. It is not cracked up to be, overrated.

Most philosophies talk about an after-life. Ego is a hurdle into the afterlife. Here we do not factor in afterlife. And we need our Ego very much in this life. The important thing is how we orient our ego. If we orient it towards loving ourselves and giving to the world, then have taken care of our core and our periphery at the same time. Ego is neither good nor bad in itself, it takes the shape of a person’s intent. A lot of people are Ego-phobic, that is they use ego as an excuse to escape from the challenges of life. We are Ego-philic. We love our Ego and believe in steering it in the direction of actualization. Ego is just a lebel, so is self and I, from this understanding ego does not exist. Based on current neuro science and computational theorist and sense of self are actully the product of our brain for survival. Our brain computes an entity so it can integrate an event that occur in an intelligent organism’s life in order to make sense of flow of time and integrate past present and future.In other words you can that ego is basically brain’s way of surviving in an environment though control.When we say spme one is egoist ,that mean he or she is ignorant of this understanding. Read my book elements of soul to understanding it better.Majority of the philosophies of ego have made us complacent and ego phobic.

Guilt comes with the lack of self-love and self-esteem. When we have self-esteem we are able to dissociate from the outcomes of our actions. We only learn with the adversities that we face. There is nothing out of control. Everything is under our control when we do everything with the spirit of extreme ownership and massive action.

A little rest makes you get used to it. And then you get into the comfort zone of getting more and more rest. You lose purpose and focus of your goals. Therefore we must integrate our work and life such that everything we do is a value addition for our brain and body nexus.

The biggest problem today is that we are living in the times where it is easy to succumb into complacency. There are no big adversities like war etc. So we are languishing into a state of contentment. That is dangerous to our work ethic. We need to tackle this with massive action.

The three books that I would recommend are:


  1. Awaken the Giant within by Tony Robbins- This is a very powerful tool for all of us who want to pursue a life of Greatness
  2. Abhidhamma by Buddha- This book was my first brush with spiritualism, a far cry from the fetters of religious orthodoxy. It is a powerful book that helps one to be stoic in all situations. Even my book “Elements of the soul is dedicated to the Buddha”
  3. Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds by David Goggins in which he shares his astonishing life story and reveals that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities. Goggins calls this the 40% Rule, and his story illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear, and reach their full potential.

You definitely insubordinate with authority. Whoever is authority to you then become like that. Here in this case it is the Mastery. Fake authority is coercive and based on traditions, cultures. Authority should evolve organically from the process of becoming. Follow authority when it commands and inspires you. Always remember that the authority is you. Nobody is bigger than you.

Yes we indeed are living in the best of times in the history of mankind. We have come a long way from living in the trees and killing mammoths and running away from sabre-tooth tigers. For most part of the world we are out of wars and internal strife. So we have nothing to complain about. We can make use of the situation we are in to our advantage and work on the path of greatness for ourselves and for the humankind.

Yes we are running towards complacency and mediocrity. We are running towards being average. Freedom means responsibility and accountability and the choice of doing something great. Freedom means the opportunity to self-actualize. We are running away from freedom by putting the blame on external factors. We need to change that. We have to embrace freedom and the strain that comes along with it.

Yes I am a seeker, which means I am always a work in progress on the path of greatness. I am never static. I am dynamic and always evolving. I never step into the same waters twice. But that does not mean I disavow my spiritual side. In fact we have come to a level where we are going to find striking parallels between spiritualism and the findings of science. There are no walls between scientific thoughts and spiritualism, there is a bridge.

It is very simple. Think of Money. You can give money to others only when you have it. Think of time- you can give it to others only when you have it. We need to have something in abundance, the cascading effect is a happy by-product of the whole process. The same goes with love. A person devoid of love cannot give love to others. A person in a toxic relationship cannot reciprocate with love. Such an emotion has a very short shelf life. Therefore we must love ourselves abundantly and then whatever happens is a just an involuntary process. The process of sharing oneself with others.

If women commit themselves to not be supressed and used by men as resource but as an equal, then you are a Mahatman. We challenge women to be at part with men by asserting gender equality. Mahatman is attitude and it is not a property of any specific sex. The main muscle that we need here is in the mind.

There is no such thing as reincarnation, but there is rebirth.  There is only process and phenomenon, there is no personality. That’s how you free yourself from the cycle of birth and death. Freedom comes from understanding. (Pointer to soul research)

Needy is just not enough. We have to be greedy for a lot of things. Greedy for knowledge, greedy for doing great work, greedy to give love in abundance. Greed by itself is not bad, it is how you channelize it is what matters. Greed is just one side of the coin, the other side is generosity. But they are not opposites, they complement each other.

Life wants to live. One and only purpose. I am an instrument of life and it is my responsibility to survive and thrive in good health. That is the meaning and goal of life. People who work extremely hard are sure to live the longest. Walking the Mahatman path.

A lot of things answer for us the question of How? But there are some other things which indulge in the speculative domain of Why? This is where the Arts come in. Arts are a process of expression. They are cathartic and absolutely necessary for our physical and mental well-being. Arts are also a conduit that connect us to our spiritual side. We certainly believe in the potency of Arts in self-actualisation.

By Sexualize I mean brimming with confidence. Sexy is not skin deep. It is an attitude. We have to be sexy on the inside where it really matters. And if we are sexy on the inside, it is going to show on the outside. What is wrong with that? We need not compartmentalize sexy. Sexy is an attitude which we must develop on the inside and then we must be very lavish to let it reflect in our veneer. Everybody loves a well groomed person brimming with confidence.

People only see the glitz and glamour of Bollywood. They do not see the hard work and the sweat and the tears and the grind that goes into it. The people there work extremely hard to create dreams that inspire and influence an entire nation. I salute the industry for their hard work and their creativity. Also the glitz and glamour is not an easy job. One needs to keep extremely fit and in top shape to exude such charm and elegance. If you see the entire picture you will never thing of Bollywood as a superficial thing.

If you really want to know my age come on a hike with me and do yoga, meditation, cycling. I am growing younger every day. I use every second of my wakeful hours, while brushing I am standing in a martial arts posture. At the airport I stand on one foot. Every moment of my life is dedicated to my body and brain health.

The power is not gone. It is very much there. It has just changed its form and shape, now it is no longer invested excessively on the battlefields. It has moved to the boardrooms and the factories and the research labs and the libraries, into a constructive effort towards the betterment of the world. That is precisely why we must partake our share of the power and add to it manifold times and make the world an even better place.

More Q&A with Sam

Get Candid with Sam

I am not asking you to believe. I am asking you to be a sceptic. We do not want blind followers. We want people who will leave their beliefs and superstitions outside the door and join us on this rational path of greatness. Come and experience for yourself. And watch your answers change.

Anger – most important that we are authentic to our self. We should not be supressed. Don’t scream or supress or yell. Assert your anger. Sweat it out in the gym, do some breaking wood. Don’t ever feel limited.

Greed at the cost of others is bad, but greed related to your own self is good. Greedy for knowledge, health and wealth. Not at the cost of others. Same with selfishness. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Sacrifice is like suicide. It has to happen for yourself first. Sacrifice sweets and carbohydrates but don’t sacrifice your dignity and choices.

Mendel who discovered the laws of genetics and heredity was a monk. The greatest school in the world is life itself and I am a perpetual student, a seeker for life and a seeker for life is the best teacher.

Sometimes you see a small sliver of ice jutting out of the sea. But that is not all there is to it. It is just the tip of the iceberg which is a premonition of what lies beneath. It is just a matter of time. Great stuff is in the making. We are the iceberg of greatness and we are soon going to sink the ship of mediocrity and complacency.

Because we are contemporary, represent today’s milieu and we are accessible. Also we are raising the bar from peace to power, happiness to greatness, realization to actualization.

Awareness – we have to be a saint first, only then we can be a warrior. First we have to be centred, we have to be at the core, only then we stretch to the edges where the life is.

Let me start with the ugly first. Ugly is living in an illusion that everything will work out for itself and you do not need to do anything. Bad is the wake-up call that it is not so and one has to take extreme ownership in making things happen.  And good is when one actually takes massive action in the direction of Actualization and Greatness.

There is not a single movie which can encapsulate Mahatman zeitgeist, but some examples to go with James Bond for Self-confidence, Iron Man for doing good for the world, Matrix, Star Wars- for futuristic action.

According to me there is no Sin. Sin is only a control mechanism by inducing guilt. There is only a good life choice and a poor life choice which would determine where you are headed.

  1. Not giving respect and dignity to elders and traditions. Lesson is -Be a rebel but don’t disrespect
  2. Being careless about money. Being frivolous about money. Not respecting it. Lesson is always treat money with the respect and solemnity it deserves.
  3. Waiting too long to do what I really want to do. Lesson is do not wait too long to realize your dreams. Take the plunge now.

Start early in life and be super motivated to achieve things. Have dreams. Find your passion and purpose as early as possible

A neuro-scientist – the most fascinating thing for me is the Brain and I believe in doing everything I do for the advancement of my body and my brain.

The only way to express love is to love someone without expectations and entitlements. You need somebody to love unconditionally in life. It is easy to love your kids. I am fulfilling that great love through loving my children. The best way to have great sex life is never watch porn but get into the act for real. Sex is amazing for body and brain. You must also be romantic if you want to have great sex. Treat your partner the way you would as if you are meeting for the first time.

When I was young I believed that the moon fit in my palm. When I was young I believed that trees ran backwards. I have come a long way. I have evolved and I am here to share my evolution with you. Truths cannot be seen in isolation. They have evolved from the untruths they left behind.

The content is more important than the form. What you are on the inside, as a person, as a character is more important. But we must make sure not to dismiss the form as well. A good product with a bad packaging will not be able to garner the attention it deserves.

We believe in measuring everything. Work without measurement is just an opinion which does not count. So yes we do believe in having rigorous standards of measurement that will challenge us to do better.

There is not a straight answer to this question. As law abiding citizens we must fall in step with our constitution. We must comply. But this is on one level. At an inner level where all the action happens, we must rebel against complacency and mediocrity. It is only then that we will evolve from making our own mistakes. We must rebel and we must inspire others to be subversive as long as the intent is the betterment of our own selves. As long we do not harm others rebellion is good.

Mahatman originates in the Sanskrit language which is a combination of two words (mahat+tman). Literally it translates as “The Great Self”. This word is as secular as any other. We respect all walks of life and do not place one over the other. We do not own any allegiance to any one particular religion, though we respect all of them.

You are not required to give your life for Mahatman. You have to “live” for Mahatman. We as Mahatmans aim to live at least to a hundred. We will inspire you to do the same. So you can do some great work for your own actualization and pass on the legacy to the generations to come.

Curiosity Corner with Sam