“Let us each take up our flaming torches and mount as the blazing fireballs of light that we are and let’s burn the skies and leave it with deep scars and let them be our signatures upon eternity as we go forth!” 

–    JoyBell C.

What passion, what intensity is unleashed by this quote! And precisely the kind of energy that is the Mahatman vision of the Self-Actualized being. After all these years of searching and seeking answers to the timeless questions of life, I can most definitely proclaim that Self-Actualization is the ultimate goal of our purpose here on earth. Self-Enlightenment is just the starting point of the immense potential that you as a human being possess – you are “the blazing fireball of light” and it is your duty to fulfil your destiny of Self-Actualization so that you not only ‘burn the skies’ now but leave your ‘signature upon eternity’.

"What is Self-Actualization?"

Before proceeding further on the Mahatman ideal of Self-Actualization, it is prudent to understand what it commonly means. In the world of ideas, self-actualization was first introduced by the physician Kurt Goldstein who described it as the goal of the existence of all living organisms. However it was famous psychologist Abraham Maslow who refined the term and applied it solely to human existence. Maslow outlined a Hierarchy of Needs. According to this conceptual pyramid, physiological needs like food, water and air occur at the bottom and have to be met first. Then you move on to successive levels of needs, one above the other, like the need for safety, belonging and esteem. Only after these needs have been met, can human beings look to realize their real potential and achieve genuine self-fulfilment. Maslow identified a few individuals like Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein as truly self-actualized beings. Today the concept of self-actualization has gained wider currency and is no longer restricted to psychology and therapy. The need to express the deepest yearnings of the self and to follow that call is being understood as critical to a fulfilling existence and the most important step to personal development.

However Mahatman dares to go beyond such conventional notions of Self-Actualization. I believe that Self-Actualization is much more than climbing a ladder and finding that pot of gold on the top. Self-Actualization is simply functioning at your prime capacity, every minute of the day, by realizing your potential. It is living to the fullest each moment of your existence as though you are wringing out from it every last drop of nectar that the passing second holds. Like enlightenment, happiness and peace are over-rated – you need to do what fulfils your deepest potential and widest abilities. We are already in peace as we eat and sleep; we are already happy as our basic needs are met. What is crucial is that you realize your inner powers and then strive to actualize them.

No matter how attractive the descriptions of such feelings may seem, a concept as crucial as Self-Actualization deserves fuller examination of the important traits. Here are some of the most fundamental characteristics of the Self-Actualized person:

"Superstar of your own story"

Yes, that is the perhaps the most essential identifier of being Self-Actualized – when you feel that right now I am leading an extraordinary life. You feel yourself towering over others in your personal narrative – no matter what size you started off with. You have this supercharged buzz in your veins that makes you feel really alive; you function with the intensity of a thousand brains and hearts. This intensity of existence is really the chief marker of the Self-Actualized being. All this comes from the perpetual search for goals. They should be like the horizon in the distance – whenever you have met one goal, you should set still more, still further away and then strive to meet them. So if you have already climbed Mount Everest, start preparing to do it a second time, then a third time in bad weather and then a fourth – perhaps without oxygen.

"Creative and meaningful"

Perhaps one can quibble that such intense experiences can be bought from a vial as well. But the difference between a druggie and Self-Actualized person is that feeling of living at the peak of existence comes from conscious, healthy expression of his or her potential. And what provides the charge for the full expression of this potential is creativity. The prime trait of the Self-Actualized person is the creative juice running in his or her blood. Just like the oxidation going on in the red blood cells provides our cells with energy, this creative charge fires up the process of Self-Actualization and keeps it running. No matter how much money a businessman makes or Instagram likes a model totes up, if all this achievement is not underlined by creativity, the person is yet to reach the level of Self-Actualization. Creativity though is not just composing a song or painting a picture – by creativity here, I mean whatever that draws upon and expresses your deepest potential. So the same businessman can achieve Self-Actualization if he dares to dream, execute and make money from innovative entrepreneurial ideas rather than merely playing it safe. The same model can reach Self-Actualization if she expresses her body, movements and expressions not to ape others but to convey something new and powerful that can change the grammar of self-expression.

"Incredible Physical Vitality"

Make no mistake – Self Actualization is not about lounging in your bed and writing poetry all day long. The truly actualized poet instead will climb to the peak of the hill to meet the rising sun and dive into the deep sea to catch the pearl from an oyster shell. Such a person will be playful and full of childlike innocence for everything new and wonderful. So, no matter how a person reaches Self-Actualization – through music, business, sports or volunteering – he or she functions at the peak of physical vitality. Such a person feels energized every waking moment – indeed he or she does not even feel ‘hungry’ or ‘sleepy’ but instead recognizes the need for refuelling and recharging. And as soon as that is done, springs up and is ready for all the action again. Needless to say, this kind of amazing physical vitality is possible by following the tips laid out in the Good Health pillar of Mahatman philosophy. Soon you will find that this kind of vitality energizes not just the body, but also your mind, psyche, emotions and relationships – all of which are the traits of the Self-Actualized person.

"Hunger for more"

The fire in the belly is an essential aspect of the Self-Actualized person. The hunger to do more, to do what others cannot even imagine and to do it again and again – this is the kind of hunger that fires the Self-Actualized being. How Mahatman redefines concepts like Hunger and Greed has already been discussed in the Great Wealth section – here I will only reiterate that you need to be fired by hunger and propelled by greed, only then you will be energized to do great things. Such energy is essential to function at the peak level which is necessary to gain Power and become Self-Actualized.

"Deeply fulfilling relationships"

Do not be under the impression that Self-Actualization begins and ends solely with you – that would be living only half an existence. The really Self-Actualization person enjoys deeply fulfilling relationships, whether at home, at work or in the community. You give bountifully of yourself and in turn you are enriched with love, respect and affection from others. But remember the truly fulfilling relationships are those that are built on the strong foundation of Self-Love. The Self-Actualized person’s love for himself or herself is like the bottomless ocean – you cannot really reach its limit or plumb its depth. It is only when you love yourself so much that you can work towards the most giving and fulfilling relationships in your life.

"Fully integrated"

Self-Actualization is doing what you knew you were meant to do all along. You may not have been able to do all that because of varied compulsions – pass tests, get a day job, pay off the mortgage, raise a family and so on. But when you finally feel free of all inner conflicts, when you are no longer buffeted by the push and pull of external forces and are doing what makes you feel alive at the utmost peak of fulfilment, you are Self-Actualized. Such a person does not parcel out his or her existence under the heads of work, family, leisure, fitness etc. and then try to balance everything. Instead the Self-Actualized person experiences a wholesome integration of work into life and vice versa. Even as I am waiting in a queue for something, I practice exercises which benefit my body – you must have come across more such examples in the Great Health section of this book. My point here is that once you reach Self-Actualization, you integrate physical health practices even when you are at your workplace or at home doing something as simple as brushing your teeth. Likewise, for the Self-Actualized person, leisure time is not an excuse to let the brain vegetate – even if he or she is relaxing at home, it is with an inspiring book in hand or planting herbs in the garden.

The way a fully actualized person experiences complete integration in his or her life is with the union of inner and outer brain. As discussed in the Self-Communication chapter in this book, the inner brain is the oldest part of the human brain in terms of evolution. Known as the reptilian brain, it mainly consists of the amygdala which is the seat of instinctive reactions like fear, anxiety, and anger. In the earliest stages of human evolution such powerful urges were necessary to activate the flight or fight responses on which depended human survival in the wild. However eventually our brain developed a new, outer brain made up of the pre-frontal cortex. Also termed the mammalian brain, this has been identified as the site of cognitive, analytical and creative thinking which has enabled humans to become the most powerful species on the planet.

The Self-Actualized being faces no conflict between the inner and outer brain. He or she is never perturbed by irrational thoughts and feelings and is always in solid state of emotional control. Imagine the Flat Iron near Colorado Springs and you will know what I am talking about – it is not like this magnificent steep cliff is not buffeted with winds or rain, but it remains strong and unbroken. Thus the Self-Actualized being also faces difficult situations which may even activate the reptilian brain but such is the inner integration that unpleasant stimuli are processed by the mammalian brain leads to adaptive and positive mental responses.

"Sigma-Alpha Personality Type"

All the above descriptions of the Self-Actualized being may leave you wondering about the kind of personality he or she embodies. In recent times there has been a good deal of interest in the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega and Sigma personality types. Derived from ethological studies of primates and wolves, the Alpha personality is the quintessential leader of the pack. Whether a man or woman, this is the person in charge – he or she is bold, physically strong, intensely competitive and aggressive. In most fields like politics and business, it is the Alpha which rises to the top and takes the important decisions. The Beta is characterized as more subdued, willing to be led and rather indecisive in nature. He or she takes time to come to decisions and often continues to second guess himself or herself. The Omega is an interesting type – unlike the Alpha, he is neither outwardly aggressive nor interested in ruling the social group. Nevertheless the Omega is highly self-assured, self-focused and completely self-absorbed.

Mahatman philosophy believes that the Self-Actualized comes closest to a combination of Sigma and Alpha personality types. The Sigma individual is all about going against the grain. These are the innovators who break the rules, live on the edge and inspire whole new ways of living. When this personality type assumes control of the context like an Alpha, he or she becomes truly Self-Actualized. So you have the Sigma starting new trends and inventing technology but when they take these to thousands of people as successful businesses or global movements, you have one of the unfailing hallmarks of the Self-Actualized person.

"Financially Independent"

It is extremely important for the Self-Actualized person to be financially independent and in more ways than one. On the basic level, this means that the person should be completely self-reliant financially – he or she should not have to depend on others to fulfil their needs and comforts. Only when you are fully self-sufficient, can you really put your own philosophy in action.

More importantly the Self-Actualized person must have the freedom from financial worries and compulsions. They should have made so much money – as described in the Great Wealth section of this book – that they need not worry about making ends meet and thus can lead the life of Self-Actualization by expressing their fullest potential. They should also make enough money so as to be able to give back to the community and leave a legacy for future.

"Assertive but Humble"

This phrase may appear contradictory but according to Mahatman, both traits are essential aspects of the Self-Actualized person. He or she filled with humility in moments of success and failure but firm and assertive in between. The Self-Actualized person is strong in his or her convictions and can even be aggressive if needed. But being humble takes immense amount of courage especially in two extreme situations – when you confront failure publicly and when you are rewarded publicly. In the former, the Self-Actualized person would understand that he/she needs to take extreme ownership of the situation and thus would be humble. In moments of triumph again, humility would reveal his/her strong self-esteem and emotional centeredness.

"Self-Actualization flows outwards"

One of the main traits that separates the Self-Actualized from the merely successful person, is the action of giving. This book discusses Giving under Great Wealth so I will not repeat what it means and why it is an important concept in Mahatman philosophy. Suffice to say here that unless you channel your own achievements and potential to impact the larger community, you will fall one step short of Self-Actualization.

The Self-Actualized person in Mahatman is also leader – he or she takes initiative when something new and courageous has to be done. Such a person is eager to influence and impact others – as mentors and role models. This is another very important aspect of generosity which is a hallmark of the Self-Actualized person. At the same time, he or she is a leader of the self – master of his own emotions and mental states so that no matter what the provocation, the Self-Actualized person is calm and emotionally centred.

"How to achieve Self-Actualization"

  • Read Mahatman book

Needless to say, the first step to achieving Self-Actualization is to read this book from cover to cover. Every section and chapter details the progress from mere existence to self-enlightenment and then Self-Actualization. Likewise you will learn not just to be happy, peaceful and balanced in your life but get real tips on moving ahead to being the best version of yourself by achieving the Energy, Power and complete Integration.

Apart from Mahatman book, reading on a daily is an essential practice to achieve Self-Actualization. Successful people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are voracious readers. Reading regularly will not only equip you with the intellectual resources to actualize your potential but inculcate a useful habit and prevent you from frittering your time in passive pursuits.

  • Journaling

This is another skill that will prepare you to reach your full potential in life. Journaling is all about jotting your daily thoughts and experiences and even taking notes of what you see around you. The practice will sharpen your reflective and contemplative skills so that you can keep track of your progress towards Self-Actualization.

  • Listen to daily podcasts

There would of course be times when you cannot read or concentrate on the written word. So if you are driving long distances or taking your daily run, tune in to the daily podcasts from Mahatman and you will continue to receive the guidance needed to become Self-Actualized. I, for example, used the long commutes in my line of work to listen to podcasts and audio books of my mentors like Tony Robbins and Robin Sharma. And I tell you, the person getting out of that car at the end of the journey would be a whole new me.

  • Practice mindfulness

In order to reach Self-Actualization, you will have to make mindfulness a daily practice. In simple terms, mindfulness is the practice of being aware of the present moment and is discussed thoroughly in the Great Health section. It is a great way to see where you are going in life and constantly reflecting upon life’s purpose – at this moment.

For example if you are strolling down the beach, being mindful means being aware of your steps, the touch of the sand (coolness or hotness), the mood of liking or disliking the sensations, and the cause-effect relations—in this order of increasing mindfulness. When you become mindful, your mind is neither in the past nor in the future. You are not reminiscing about the past, nor are you planning ahead. You are abiding in the present moment. Mindfulness when practiced regularly serves as a foundation for mental development, priming you for the Self-Actualization stage.  Contemplation is yet another useful practice which involves a lot of thinking and thoughtfulness and is rooted in equanimity. But you have to make your contemplation active and crank it to concentration in order to achieve your full potential to become Self-Actualized.

  • Visualize your Self-Actualized future

Like I discussed in Self Image, Visualization is a mental exercise with powerful benefits. Mahatman philosophy exhorts you to use such visualization techniques to create your Actualized Self on the canvas of your mind and you shall already be priming your consciousness to make it real. Imagine your Actualized Self like a master plan for a grand building – you need to visualize yourself realizing your full potential in order to create the energy necessary to reach those levels of Actualization. Follow the steps laid down in the Self-Image chapter for Creative Visualization starting from relaxing the mind and body to making it detailed, imagining the process and end, grounding it in emotional cues and finally putting in lots of practice. This way you will be laying out the blue print for your Self-Actualization and before long you will make it happen as the supreme version of yourself that is possible

  • Be open to counselling

Just as Mahatman stresses the need to take care of your body, it is essential that the Self-Actualized person take a proactive approach to ensuring his or her psychological well-being as well. This could mean talking to a counsellor about decisions with far reaching consequences or being open to seeing a therapist to tackle emotional issues. Talk to around three therapists before you settle on one who is most suitable. Even if you are feeling fine and well-adjusted in all spheres of your life, consider getting a psychological profile for yourself. Some commonly used quantitative tests to measure personality are Mooney Problem Checklist, Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory or MMPI, Catel’s 16 personality factors or 16PF, California psychological inventory or CPI besides projective techniques to measure personality like Rorschach Inkblot Test and Thematic Apperception Test. Indeed if you not have not already got your intelligence, aptitude and interest tested, you can explore finding more about these mental aspects through standardized tests. Intelligence Quotient for example is measured by Stanford Binet Scale, the Wechler Scale and Raven’s Progressive Matrices while Differential Aptitude Test battery and Flanigan Aptitude Classification Tests are well established ways of checking your aptitude. Finally Kuder Preference Records and Strong Vocational Interest Blanks are two common methods to measure your interests. Testing your personality, aptitude, interest and intelligence will all go a long way in gaining insight into your potential and skills, thereby making clear your path of Self-Actualization.

  • Invest in yourself

In order to keep doing better and better, it is essential that you layout a portion of your resources on self-investment. Keep aside at least 10% of your earnings to do things that will help in self-improvement – like going for a weekend retreats, buying books and audio books on such subjects, updating your wardrobe for better grooming and so on.

  • Push the limits of your consciousness

One of the many ways that Mahatman is light years ahead of other philosophies is because it encourages and empowers you to push the limits of your consciousness. While others may urge you to be balanced and poised, I say to you “Go ahead and explore without feeling apologetic or afraid”. You need to unleash the full power of the human mind in order to reach Self Actualization and one of the ways to do it might be through altered states of consciousness. Lucid dreaming is a practice where dreamers are not only aware that they are dreaming but can even control the dream narrative. So use lucid dreaming to conjure your Actualized Self – how you feel after attaining it and what you are doing with it. Such imagery will seep into your subconsciousness and make you feel ready to achieve it.

NLP is another popular skill reputed to have great life-changing potential. Developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s; Neuro-Linguistic Programming uses perceptual, behavioural, and communication techniques to make it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions.  With NLP, you can consciously use language to think and behave as your actualized self.

Self-hypnosis is another technique that can help along the journey to Self-Actualization too. Learn how to induce a hypnotic state for yourself wherein you can provide autosuggestions to implant powerful thoughts and ideas into your subconscious mind. These will energize and motivate your daily conscious self to give in your best to achieve Self-Actualization. Indeed there are still more ways, like using psychedelics, to unlock vast hidden reserves of brainpower for optimum performance so that you can reach Self-Actualization which marks the peak of a meaningful existence.

  • Seek out mentors

One of the ways you can differentiate between the right and wrong uses of mind-expanding techniques is through correct guidance. So seek out mentors who can help you achieve clarity of thought and vision for a Self-Actualized future. But be very careful of succumbing to the influence of gurus and godmen. Such people want to control your thoughts and resources on the pretext of showing you the path and eventually you will find yourself yet another face in their vast army of followers. Such people demand distant, fear-based reverence. Instead, true mentors will make you independent and your relationship with them will be based on mutual authentic respect. Remember you are here to fulfil your own potential and actualize your own self.

  • Travel

Travel and change of place impart new vigour to the mind, said the ancient Roman philosopher, Seneca. Indeed the broadening of mental horizons, the meeting of new people and simply the experience of different ways of living are the building bricks of Self-Actualization. You can never be the best version of yourself if you do not even know of other better ways of living. And like we have discussed in the Great Health section, Nature is an excellent motivational context. Seeing beautiful places, landscapes and practices, one is bound to feel energized with the best the world has to offer.

  • Leave a legacy

Finally, it is important to leave a legacy of LIFE to reach true Self-Actualization. Gather all the practices of Giving and Generosity that you came across throughout this book and put them in practice – help your friends, family, colleagues and the larger community with your resources, your experiences and your intelligence. Read up the Immortalize section for yet more ways you can leave behind a powerful legacy. Inspire and mentor others on their journey towards Self-Actualization and only then you will have lived to the fullest during your time on this planet.


  • The Actualized self-lives to the fullest extent in every moment
  • Self-Actualization makes for an organically integrated self
  • There are many ways to strive for Self-Actualization
  • Leaving the legacy of LIFE is the final task of the Actualized Self